Jack Mogg (aka Dad): Trout

Jack’s trout were caught fishing in the lakes of the Midwest.

Dad is a retired pressman of the print era. Growing up he took the family fishing, boating and camping. Now retired he does the same in addition to tending his garden. Camping converted to RV life and he traded in his full size bass boat for a 10 foot Bass Buster with 3 HP trolling motor.

Often his time is spent tinkering in the garage and listening to sports (Yankees are his fav) on his analog radio. He takes Moe for morning rides to the lake, enjoys a good ice tea in the afternoon and an ice cold Budweiser in the evenings.

He loves supporting his daughters in whatever crazy sort of scheme they have up there sleeves and will always help modify whatever vehicle they seem to be adventuring in next.

High fives to all the bad ass dads out there!
